This guide is intended to use as a supplement to basic cloning knowledge and therefore will be brief and to the point. For questions reach out via our customer support link or contact us @baysideseedz on Instagram, Use Virkon S – 1 tablet per 500 ml h20. To soak scissors. At least 5 pairs rotating […]
When it comes to cultivating premium cannabis, growers often face a critical decision: focus on maximizing yield or prioritizing quality. While achieving high yields is tempting, the true value of cannabis lies in its quality—flavor, aroma, potency, and overall genetic expression. This concept becomes particularly relevant during the ripening stage of cannabis plants, typically between […]
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis arcu et neque pharetra tincidunt in at erat. Suspendisse commodo velit libero, sit amet malesuada risus accumsan ut. Nulla mollis mattis diam. Mauris malesuada ex non nulla fringilla, non tincidunt orci pretium. Sed fringilla erat magna, vehicula dapibus metus ultrices ac. Pellentesque porta nulla vitae […]
Many true enthusiasts choose to purchase Bayside Genetix as they are looking for the most powerful types of cannabis to add to their collection of seeds. Novices often discover us for the same reason. However, when talking about how powerful the effect of a particular variety of cannabis is, the different forms that potency can […]
Knowing the right amount of light to expose your seedlings to, plus the perfect temperatures and humidity is vital for growing healthy cannabis plants. Cannabis seedlings thrive in bright, sunny conditions (21°C to 23°C). They also like humidity and a gentle breeze. Growing cannabis seedlings inside under lights If you’re growing inside, the seedlings can […]